• 2 years ago

When I was in high school, I was talking with a girl that was a year younger than my eventual wife. Liked her a lot but my wife put me on the spot and asked ME out. I said no, and then said yes a few seconds later.

I always felt bad because the other girl I was into a lot more. After all these years I’m afraid that I may have made the wrong decision. Not that I don’t love my wife. I do. But the spark just isn’t there like it used to be.

The other girl, now woman, has been single this whole time. Literally dreamt about her non stop for the past year. Not romantically or anything just missed that feeling when someone had those butterflies for me maybe. I don’t know.

Is it bad that I feel like I made a mistake? What do you even do about that. Not like you can just quit someone and call the other person. That’s horrible. But what if I’m miserable forever? Life s**** sometimes.

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