• 2 years ago

pros and cons list if i commit stop breathe
pros: i’m not built for capitalism, i don’t have to see myself grow old and senile and weak, i don’t feel sad or lonely or angry or anything just eternal chilling (unless eternal damnation then oopsie dasies), i don’t have to see my loved ones grow old and die, i stop being a burden on my family and they can finally enjoy life, i don’t have to try doing s*** and watch myself fail, no more s***** marvel movies, no more FOMO eating me up, no more consooming media to silence the thoughts.
cons: i cease to exist (very spiteful person and i want to flex on everyone i know), i cease to exist (i’m the best person to ever exist and yalls lives would be bad without me), i miss out news and trends and internet drama, some people would be sad for a few weeks, people forget about me, and maybe eternal damnation oopsie dasies then…

i might not do it now but this is a long time coming and i’ll do it one day

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