• 4 years ago

Even a retard can see that I’m attracted to you print yes I wouldn’t mind a benefit. I would love to see you again just the two of us and I would love to have a fun weekend. Just a weekend just to have fun and forget that our life s***. And I really would like things to be better not perfect not suited to my needs but better. I want a sonething real and I hope I can have it with you. But the reality is for two really different people and that’s probably gonna take some effort and compromise. I’m willing to try if you are. I missed you a lot. Give me a call please or hit me up somewhere we can talk about this privately rather than do it here. I don’t know how much of a friendship as possible. Maybe we just wanna screw each other’s brains out and that’s all this is who knows. But we can find out. I hope you’ll take the journey with me you’re pretty f****** cool person

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