• 4 years ago

I didn’t care she was poor, I didn’t care she had been in jail, didn’t care she didn’t finish high school or was sick …hell she even told me she was violent and I still came . I never charged her for any of those things or ways she was different than me. I just wanted a friend and that’s the truth. It’s the one that always looks down on me or is condescending. I was always told I was less than. The only thing that even stopped me from “not being there “ was the fear I wasn’t really wanted . It’s not that I didn’t care.
Is your fee like nobody gives a damn about me even if I didn’t reach out I’m sure she would just tell me I deserved it because I’m such a terrible person. Well if I’m such a terrible person I deserve to end up like this I really wish I could be dead. I’m stuck with the dog. I just wanted a friend. But everybody hates me

You have no idea what a horrible feeling it is to miss someone this much it doesn’t even like you back and probably never did I wish it would go away to

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