• 4 years ago

I dont drink. Drinking is fun sometimes, but to be drunk is to be out of your stupid mind. Whybthe f*** would anyome do that to themselves often or every day? That disgusts me tbh. I dont like alkies. Something like weed is not even that bad.

I havent actually drank to get drunk since 2014 at a Christmas party. I had a beer maybe 6 months ago cant remeber wha possessed me from the 6 or so that have been sittng in the fridge from 2 Christmas ago. I also have an unopened bottle of Raspberry Wine given to me at Christmas 5 or 6 years ago and a bottle of Rye with a brink out of it from 15 years ago. Maybe 4 shots left in a bottle of rum from about 7 years ago and 1/3 of a bottle of white wine I used for cooking 5 years ago.

I dont need to “try” to fill any void, this is not a s***** Lady Gaga song. One thing Im pretty sure most people who know me will tell you about me is they dont know s*** about what I do or have unless the pry their way in which usually gets them kicked ojt of my life for lack of respect of boudries because I dont talk about it with anyone no matter who they are. I dont kiss and tell and I keep everything and anything that I consider important to myself or at least away from people who are not worthy of knowing anything about me my life or what I consider important. I dont share, and I’m also pretty sure they’re surprised when/if they do happen to stumble onto things I didnt tell them about or didnt share because I only get the best. They usually think they know me, and that ends up turned upside down. WRONG, and I actually have quite a few people out there, real people, who really care. They want my time. I dont need to look or wander.

I dont need or wamt scraps from a kept women. I refuse it. I’m better than that amd you know it too.

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