When I’m scared/startled, I don’t act like most people I know do. If suprised awake, or awakened by a nightmare, I don’t physically startle. Mentally, I jerk awake, and all my senses/muscles are tight and on edge, even if it’s something small that wakes me up. Sometimes, it takes my memory a few moments to remind me that the radiator creaks when a pressure front moves in, or that I’m crashing at a friend’s house, not at home. But until it does and I can relax, my body remains on High Alert, without moving or twitching a millimetre upon awaking, or afterwards.
The only time I can scream or yell is when it’s forced; it doesn’t come naturally. The closest I’ve come was slightly demented sounding laughter in suprise while riding a roller coaster for the first time.
Is this normal?