Man, I’ll tell you I was listening to Beyonce’s Single ladies today on the radio, like really listening to it, and it never really bothered me all that much, I dont like it, but I mean shes a good ainger, she’s real but it’s like she’s had it, she’s done with it, and she’s basically like if you don’t give me a fucking ring and marry me, even though “your love is what I prefer, what I deserve” you are threatening him to leave him, and not only that you’re telling people like not to pay him any attention, shit taling him, dancing on his face rather than just being happy you’re together and he loves you. Also, you’re on the hunt for another one about not “being mad that he want it” and as far as that goes, some guy always wants it. At least one, and its one of those stressful things in a relationship too. If you want me to be completely honest the only way to avoid this kind of pain she is intentionally inflicting on both of them, is to make a stupid spectacle of both of you and have a wedding. How fucking embarrassing getting married must be. Seriously. You’re the center of attention, it’s all fucking cheesy as fuck, weddings are fucking ridiculous. Fuxk that shit. The only way to avoid that pain she’s inflicting boys is to never give her enough to kill you with. Easy come and easy go. Goodbye, maybe we’ll see ya around. Kids… eh, I don’t know. Kids these days are fucking retarded and with really bad taste. Do I really want to bring one of those fucking things into This world? Fuxk. Fuxk.

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