• 5 years ago

I’m just not that concerned about an abortion ban. I really don’t care about other women’s right to f*** whoever and kill the outcome. Like, why should I care what you’re doing? Serious question. Why? Why should I care if the next time you have s** you may get pregnant and wont be able to get an abortion? How is that my concern? Seriously. How? It isn’t. I’ve never seen myself having s** with someone I didn’t want a baby with and plus I want like at least 5. So, the conversation apart from health concerns & abuse victims just doesn’t seem that important to me at all……… Some feminazi tried to force me to care about her not being able to get an abortion and told me I was turning a blind eye. The f*** I look like caring what happens in yourbsex life? Lol. I thought that was none of my buisness? Keep that same energy, sis. I’m definitely not holding up a sign just because having s** with some random is gonna get complicated for you. Lol. You all look dumb as hell.

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