16 years

I’m in a relationship but I’m in love with a different man. I cannot leave my boy friend fearing it would destroy him. He loves me and I do too… or I don’t anymore…or maybe I am just confused…or maybe I just don’t know what I want.. or do I? Why has things got to be complicated? He asked me to marry him in Jan and that was 2 years ago but he hasn’t put a ring on my finger. How long do I have to wait..I wonder always. I just feel like leaving everything and everyone behind and go somewhere where no one knows me and start a new life. Am I being selfish to think as such? I’ve been living and doing things for others all my life and now it’s time to live for myself… Am I still being selfish?? I have lots of unanswered questions in my head and it’s slowly eating me up… Sigh

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