15 years

there’s two guys conflicting for a spot in my head. at least, they are in my imagination. i can’t stop thinking about either of them, and when i see them, my heart soars. but i hardly get to see either of them.

boy#1: will. he was one of my closest friends last year, and we have the same taste in music and humor, and he’s so kind to me, no matter what. i think he’s dating someone though. i don’t know. he has the prettiest eyes, and wears the coolest clothes.

boy#2: jim. he’s the guy with the curly hair that drives me crazy – i love curly hair. he likes music i like, too, and anime and whatnot, too. he’s super tall, which makes me feel short, which makes me happy, too. he’s sorta quiet like me. i blame our friend for making me like him.

oh, predicament. ):

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