1 week

I asked how much money his mom owes because we are always lending her money. She says ‘I’ll pay you back’ every time but in two years we have not seen a single dollar be returned. Now she owes over 8000 dollars and I had no idea until just a few minutes ago. I said to my boyfriend of 15 years, ‘I thought you had this under control!’ that’s why I never intervened. But now I can see she’s happy to use our money with no consequence. I’m paying for our rent, our utility bills, repairs on our spare rental home and I’m barely making the payments on time. We DONT have extra money to just give away. I don’t have a ring, he doesn’t get me gifts(not even a christmas gift), we have credit card debt, and yet he thinks its totally cool to give thousands to his mom.. because she’s his mom. I get it. I want to help to, but not help while putting our own lives and bills on hold due to someone else’s overspending. It’s been 15 years that I’ve been loyally waiting to have a ring. 15 years and I’m finally considering kids with him. But after finding this out, I’m seriously doubting that I will ever come first in his priority list. We’ve been together since high school. I don’t know anyone else. But this is just ridiculous. ‘Oh it’s only money~’ B*******. It’s more than that, and I’m getting so sick of it. I think it might be time for a second boyfriend.

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