• 1 year ago

I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I get better for a few weeks, I think my brain has exorcised you altogether, and then I’m back on this godforsaken website and the godforsaken dumpster fire that is the Unsent Letters subreddit on Reddit.

I have blocked you from every social media platform I could think of because I WILL get drunk and I WILL message you but I CANNOT.

I even blocked her. She’s kind of a d***, by the way, but so am I. I’m worse than a d***. I’m a p**** who can be a d***.

I want to ask you questions, I want to get clarification. I cleared the air but you never did. You juse iced me out. You complimented my courage and then offered me no clarification in return. Why is that? Sure, I shouldn’t have deleted you and waited eleven months to explain it. But it was a messed up situation and you know that. We were not necessarily making good decisions together and it got confusing. You started backing away, I noticed. And you let me go…then you had the audacity not to give me closure in return. I really liked you. As a friend before anything else, I respected you and loved your brain. But hell. Why can’t I just stop thinking about you? You weren’t even all that nice to me.

Mind you I hope you’re happy. I really do. I don’t have any ill will, I’m just f****** tired and I want to move on. Can’t you just stop being polite and tell me something awful? Be outwardly awful to me. Tell me what you really think and then I can stop this.

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