• 1 year ago

I have an eating disorder that my mom gets angry about to be honest i don’t think she’s fully aware of it. Every time i decide to not eat she starts yelling s*** like “who told you to go on a f****** diet” “who you trying to look skinny for” “f****** eat” or she’ll tell others “i don’t know what the f*** wrong with her” one time i almost fainted outside and she told all her friends about it mocking me and making fun of me. Recently my sister got played by a boy that but my mom doesn’t know about it she thinks they’re still cool. Because of that she’s been feeling down which is understandable but she’s also stopped eating as she used to. It’s not fair at all my mom consoles her without knowing what’s wrong saying “what’s wrong ? you’re not eating did something happen? you didn’t eat yesterday eat something “ why didn’t i get that kind of care why do i get the angry mom and she gets the caring one it’s not fair yea i’ve never straight up told her “hey i throw up my food after i eat it cause you call me fat every time i eat so you won’t yell at me for not eating it i also exercise till i drop and have a calorie counter on my phone where i’m only allowed to eat 800 calories per day” but can’t she see that somethings wrong ? why do i get yelled at ? why can’t she care for me as she does for her

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