16 years

I fell in love with my young elementary French teacher 12 years ago. I was 8. I still am head over heals in love with her. I am a girl and have never had any feelings to this extent for anyone else. My love for her keeps growing everyday and I can’t help myself. I don’t know how, but I had the courage to add her on a famous social networking site. Of course, she didn’t remember me as I had hoped she would. I did not add her on the site with the intention of stalking her. I only added her to ease the pain of her absence. I am now 20 years old and still remember the way she entered class, with her lovely curly hair, gorgeousness and wit. We live continents apart, but even the long distance in itself is not enough for me to confess to her. That will never happen because it would be very awkward for her, and I wouldn’t ever dream of putting her in that situation. One day I might, when I become a little more crazier. But until that day comes, I hope whoever she ends up with will cherish her, respect and love her without boundaries for the rest of her life. I know I will love her for the rest of mine.


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