16 years

I tried to make it work, i was so supportive when deep down inside i knew he will stay the way he is… i though we both wanted to break up.. but why when it actually happened it was so painful for both of us… seeing him cry and telling me he loves me tore me apart… is it because inn dxb we get so lonely so we hold on into something and try to fix it even if its unfixable or is it because we hold on to sme1 because we really love them. I’m worried about him so much because of his bipolar depression, but is it fair to me to be with sme1 who cant provide at least 50 % of what i’m giving… we tried to break up many times but we always found each other getting back… but by me packing my things and giving him his keys back does that mean its really over this time… the idea of not touching his face in the morning, or making breakfast 2gether, or taking trips 2gether is very difficult now… i hope he can go back to the man i fell inlove with in thailand… i wish things were different… i wish he was different…

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