• 3 years ago

recently just realized how unhealthy my friend group is at school. anytime i talk about my problems they will follow it up with something like “oh, well i blah blah blah” and it’s horrible. last year my knee began swelling up and while it has gone down if i put too much pressure on it then it begins to swell again and hurt like hell. my friends kept trying to force me to run and telling me things like “just ignore it” whenever i would say it hurt and i didn’t want to run. if i ever complain i’m hungry they say something like “i haven’t ate since (multiple days ago) so how do you think i feel?” even if they ate that morning at school. it really has brought my view of myself and my problems now and i don’t know how to get rid of the friendship since i share lockers next to them and have to sit by them at lunch. i don’t know anyone at school and i’m too scared to approach people i don’t know. it really s**** and i hope i can get rid of the friendship soon.

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