• 3 years ago

I have hirsutism. It’s a fancy way of saying I grow hair where I shouldn’t due to a condition called PCOS. As a woman, having dark stubble on my chin and some in my sideburns that needs to be plucked *every day* doesn’t exactly make you feel feminine. I’ve been with my boyfriend a whole year and he doesn’t seem to have noticed. I know he loves my eyes.. maybe that’s where his focus goes?

I try so hard to make sure he doesn’t see it. I lie and say I have acne on my chin when I get ingrown hairs and have to dig them out. Maybe he has seen it and just doesn’t care? If I ever got really sick and we moved in together like we want to, I wouldn’t be able to tend to my man face. Like I’m going to have to tell him some day and it makes me want to bawl my eyes out.

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