• 3 years ago

F*** You RAS. You f****** heartless a******. You ruined the show. it’s because of you that it was canceled. you ruined harvey and sabrina. you ruined all of the characters with that stupid f****** season 4 that nobody asked for!

why the hell did you make harvey and roz start dating in the first place!? all kind of inappropriate. nobody asked for that you d***!

you can tease harvey and sabrina for almost 2 years and then just decided to ignore them and make fun of them in season 4! YOU ARE SUCH A D***. I hope someone punches you in the face for what you did. CAOS could of been HUGE. Like vampire diaries or supernatural. but no, you had to ruined it because of f****** fan service and now it’s ruined forever! because of f****** endgame. thanks a lot you massive human s*** stain!

i am f****** heartbroken as a fan and you should lose all the f****** money you made of the show. you dont deserve any of it!

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