• 4 years ago

I don’t know if today is as hard for u as it is for me. I keep thinking abt us and what we had. I’ve had a lot of tik toks that remind me that I have to let go and I also sit and think about the things you did. But it hurts because I hate starting new things w others. You already know abt everything. It’s fine tho this is j a part of moving on. I still hope ur family is taking care of u, i know it’s hard right now. I know u have a hard time, I maybe can handle it more than u so I’m sorry u have to also move on but this is a consequence of taking me for granted and going to someone else. I hope this is a lesson to u for the next time life gives you something that j wanted to help u. I hope this serves as a lesson to u to stop hurting what the universe gave u to love u. To help u and make u better. I hope u take the next blessing seriously and not like u did w me. I rlly do bc I dont know how many times life gives a blessing like that. U complain abt how hard life is and how much u don’t like it but u ruin the things that life gave u to tolerate it. I hope u find love like mine. Today was terribly hard but I fought through it and I’m going to continue till I can finally have inner peace and forgive u for all u did and accept it so that it doesn’t hurt when I think abt what u did or think abt u in general. Take care

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