• 4 years ago

I’m incredibly insecure about my looks. And today my mom thought it would be funny to call me “piggy” when she saw me eating something. I feel embarrassed to admit this, but now I’m fixated on my body. I keep looking in the mirror and pinching where my skin folds. I’m not currently overweight, but I have several health issues and two of my chronic illnesses make me gain weight if I don’t monitor it. And now it’s just sitting there in the back of my head. That I’m getting too big and unhealthy by the minute. I already have huge anxiety about it and that one comment has sent me spiraling. My sister overheard the comment and told my mom that she shouldn’t say something like that and asked her to apologize to me. But my mom ignored her and just started talking to my other sister. Her refusal to apologize makes me think she meant that. And that I’m gaining weight and people can tell.

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