• 4 years ago

Imagine being molested as a child but not being to tell anyone especially your own parents. Imagine everyone you tell thinking its a lie. Imagine everyone telling you its just a joke. Imagine just sitting in your room 24/7 and sleeping 2 hours a day and eating cookies as breakfast lunch and dinner. Couldn’t be me haha not like anyone will believe me anyways. imagine having YOUR OWN F****** FAMILY say behind your back that if one person could have died it should have been me instead of my cousin from cancer but when I am with them they pretend like everything is fine. And i still make the effort to be nice but all they do is complain. “you talk too much” “you are too loud” “Stop sniffling your nose” “stop talking” “omg he never shuts up” – And they act like I am not sitting right infront of them. Imagine being just a little feminine as a teenage boy but your entire family would call you gay so you have to act more “manly” around them even though I am straight. Imagine being me. Cause if anyone wants this life I will sure as hell give it to you

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