• 4 years ago

my retarded narcissist father is seeking attention is the pettiest ways. He’s been “cooking” one pot of food for like 4 hours… and slamming the pots and pans though I still only see one in active use. He’s throwing his keys around. So now, I have on headphones and am blasting fan sounds into them. I know it sounds bizarre, but narcissists do this type of s*** instead of asking for attention they need (it’s beneath them to ask for any human needs.. they are owed it and you should know)…
the reason I pay him no mine is because he a raging lunatic p******** would hasn’t taken an interest in me since i was 11-13 (that’s his age type barf) Even my nieces (brothers biracial daughters) he paid attention to mostly at those ages…
He thinks anyone engaging concepts about junior high level is a slight to his all-knowingness
He get insanely jealous that any girl raised in this house dates (daughters, stepdaughters etc)

I’m sick of it. I’m sick of having to support this cowards ego. Adults should be able to regulate their own f****** self esteem.

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