• 4 years ago

I’m in so much pain, both physically and emotionally. I sued my ex boyfriend a few years ago and I regret the whole thing. His other girlfriend pretended to be my friend and my emotions were extreme. She lied to me and got me in trouble but she got away with it because I was acting crazy. She acted so nice and proper but she was full of s***. I didn’t realize until I read her deposition- in which my lawyer intentionally didn’t send to me and I was on Xanax with damaged brain the whole time. They never took my deposition and my ex ended up settling the case. However, I didn’t receive anything from it because I had to hire additional lawyers out of pocket to deal with this mess…and my main lawyer still got the full cut. It has been over 2 years and the settlement check hasn’t been cashed and I cannot accept the outcome mainly because of that woman lies. I can’t believe someone would use her small child to manipulate other people emotions. I can’t believe my lawyers let that happen just because they could make some money. I have to blame myself for being so angry and couldn’t see it through. I hate people.

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