• 4 years ago

I hate it here. I should’ve never come back. Screw my family. They’re nothing but a bunch of lying users who never do what they say they’re going to do. My suicidal ideation is coming back and i have no where or no one else to turn to. I can’t say anything to my friends about any of this bc they’ll just say i told you so. They warned me i didn’t listen and now I’m back in debt going broke and sinking emotionally and mentally due to the fact that my family don’t manage their money, spend it like it’s going out of style and expect me to bail them out everytime they get into a jam. I can’t do it anymore. I just might end up killing myself even after all the strides I’ve taken to get better. I’ve come a long way only to end up taking my own life. God help them. And me.

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