• 4 years ago

Some guy just gave me rectal chlamydia… and he told me he has had unprotected s** with 5 other people before me. I really hope I don’t end up with a serious infection like HIV or Syphilis.

All Comments

  • Was his name Corvallus or the Prestonian?

    Anonymous January 18, 2020 6:50 am Reply
  • Next stop, ass cancer.

    Anonymous January 18, 2020 8:23 am Reply
  • Be careful who you fuck, because each time someone fucks you but has unprotected sex with anyone else, then they pass on everything that everyone else had who went there too.
    For example, if you fuck one person, who fucked someone else who had fucked 10 people, who each in turn fucked another 10 people, in unprotected sex, then, in fact, when you had sex with the one, you were in actual fact having sex with more than 100 or more, who passed on their genetic shit or diseases, onto him and into you, irrespective of if you are male or female.
    However, when you have sex with one partner, who is only having sex with you and you both checked to make sure neither of you were carrying anything, then as long as your relationship remains between you both, than nothing will ever occur to change that and that is the best way to have unprotected sex, in complete safety and why relationships with a long term partner is so important, in this day and age.
    I know that females get rid of Chlamydia, which is a Yeast infection problem with a sachet which can be bought from any chemist and mixed with water and poured into their cunt, for example, but I’m not sure how you would go about pouring it in your arsehole, or how far into your body the Chlamidya has gone, since your ass is the end place for everything you swallow, from your mouth, at the other end.
    I’d guess you probably need a doctor’s assistance for that one.
    Corvallus apparently has treatment for Cancer occasionally and he seems to be in remission now, from his previous posts, so Cancer could also mean AIDS – Aresehole Infected Death Sentence, so anyone who has sex with him has to consider if they are stupid, or what.
    Best Wishes…….

    Anonymous January 18, 2020 8:55 am Reply
  • Yo Prestonian here don’t be saying I gave you that shit, I know my dick ain’t clean but don’t be saying no rumors about the Prestonian

    Anonymous January 19, 2020 12:02 am Reply
  • Girl! No! Use protection always. I’m so sorry.

    Anonymous January 19, 2020 2:53 pm Reply

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