• 4 years ago

I’m a gay guy and I’ve never kissed another guy before. But I came very close at a party not long ago. However, when I got anxious and refused to actually kiss him he began to try and guilt trip me into kissing him. Up until this point I had been growing feelings for him, yet this gave me an awful gut feeling that he wasn’t a good person.

Not long after he begins pretending like nothing ever happened and actually starts dating one of my closest friends. I think, “that’s fine, I hope he makes her happy.” (he’s bi). But not long afterwards my gut feeling is now turning out to be right. He’s becoming more aggressive to my friend, never letting her be alone, constantly messaging her to make sure he knows where she is at all times and getting angry when she doesn’t reply, trying to isolate her from our group and forcing her into kisses when she is trying to pull away. She has expressed how uncomfortable she is to me and has promised me that she’ll get out of the relationship as soon a possible. I don’t want her to get hurt and neither does she.

What hurts me most is that she thinks he might have only used her to get to me. This really grinds my gears because she is very much not an item for his manipulation. He is the literal worst if he thinks he can use my friend like that. Of course if he is trying to get to me, it is working. But he won’t ever see that side because I won’t let him win.

Whatever the reason, we are both cutting him out of our lives and hope our other friends will do the same.

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