15 years

well i was dreaming to get good job and live nice life cuz before i had very bad income.. now after i got it.. i found out i lost a lot too.. being in scure and good job is what i wanted.. but since i got here all i found is hard to find friend hard to find love hard to find good people.. although i’m good to people i found they r trying to use me as much as they can while i was simply help them to feel better and now after i calculated it i found myself alone nothing to do and no body care.. even when i try to know more people i feel they r not interesting in talking with simple honost guy so i really feel down and really its hard to live and knoww people who don’t have clue about their dignity and easy to sell them selves over few money or anything they can have for free.. in the end i try to find good people but seems to me so hard if u don’t have something for them..

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