15 years

the people who i thought were my best friends don’t care about me. we live in a residential campus and all of us were so close we used to go everywhere together, we’d even wait if someone was busy, even though we had stuff to do. the last few days i’ve been a bit tired, and i keep falling asleep all the time, and these guys just totally forgot i existed. if it wasnt for my boyfriend, i would’ve missed a whole bunch of meals, and got late for class and stuff. they didnt know that i was sick, or that i almost collapsed in my room, and they yelled at me for not turning up to call them to eat. they dont come to talk to me anymore. and while they need me to solve all their problems, they don’t know, or care about anything that’s going on in my life. i wish it was easy to just forget about them and move on, but they keep coming back. it’s sort of like they’ve totally taken me for granted or something, and i hate it. the one time i complained that they ignored me, they said i looked too busy so they didnt want to disturb me. but it’s not like that anymore.it hurts really bad sometimes, especially when i want someone to talk to, and everyone’s all taken up with their own stuff, but i have to listen when they’re in trouble, just because i don’t have the heart to ditch them. i wish things would change.

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