• 5 years ago

When I was in 4th grade I had a close friend of mine. She annoyed me here and there, but overall our friendship was great, our parents all got along and were friends too. However one night while I was sleeping over at her place, she did something I didn’t understand, and for sure didn’t like. I don’t know if I can even consider it r***…considering she’s a girl and I was too….what I don’t understand is how and why…she was in 4th grade too and so how the hell did she do it….? It doesn’t matter now…im in 9th grade now but I kept quiet…I don’t understand it all…how’d she know how to do that? All I know is that it all sounds like a big f****** lie…I kept quiet…she got away with it and still continues to because if I say something 1) no one will believe me 2) she was so young…WE were so young…that I feel is why people wouldn’t believe me…3) It’s been years…I don’t even know if it would f****** matter if I did say something…4) she’s a girl…can a girl even r*** a girl…? And at such a young age…?…I’m scared that I’ll be called as an attention w**** or a liar…a sick person but I swear on my life please believe me…please…it eats me up inside and I’ve been diagnosed with PTSD..they still don’t know this part cause I told the therapist of how my older brother used to abuse me to s***, (another true story but not relevant…)…I’m sorry this is so long I just….I feel so hopeless and it sickens me every time I remember…so sick of it….I do get suicidal cause of it and some other reasons but honestly who would care…some people who don’t even know my full story or anything…I’m sorry for this but I just- it’s eating me up inside…

All Comments

  • I would suggest telling the therapist but I’m not sure if it’ll be a good idea since you fear the consequences. This also depends on your family and society in general.
    Here’s something I do when I have to decide about stuff: if you believe for certain that you won’t regret your choice then do it. If you have doubts that you will regret it then don’t.
    good luck xx

    Anonymous January 16, 2019 9:54 pm Reply
  • As a bisexual woman: girls can absolutely rape girls and its just as terrible as when a guy does it. I am so sorry that this has happened to you. I think at this point too much time has passed for the other girl to have legal action taken against her… please talk to your therapist about this, you deserve to let some of these emotions go when you can

    Anonymous January 16, 2019 10:56 pm Reply

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