15 years

two people from 2 completely different backgrounds … sometimes i feel its impossible for this it to happen between us… his life pattern is so incosistent with mine … and i always hope that he might change how he lives… its not only that my religion doesnt approve of how he lives, its also the fact that iv never lived that life and its too hard for me tolerate him getting drunk and partying and all those stuff … its too painful for me bc iv lived a very innocent life compared to him…the reason why i kinda have some feelings for the him is because i felt he can have the heart of an innocent child if he wants to … but he is ruining it with his getting drunk habits and his s******* suggestive attitude… i hate it when i feel he’s giving me s******* suggestive remarks… i feel so disrespected and dirty… and i really dont wanna feel that way because im not dirty and im not disrespectful and iv never ‘touched’ anyone in my life… and i ammmmmm a pure person… so i want a pure guy and not a drunky partier!!!

PS: a pure guy can also be a guy who was a drunky partier but decided that he change and let go of all the bad aspects of his life and if he feels that his friends around him are such a bad influence then probably he should get away from them… That is Iffffffffffff he wants to be with me! Decide! Its in your hands …! and by the way if u have changed and u ever get in a fight with me or get mad at me … ur not teasing me when u show me that ur getting back to the way u used to live before … its ur loss and definitely not mine… so dont use this attitude with me lamma bit3assib minneh cuz its just gonna drive me away from you more and more and more …

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