• 5 years ago

I have phimosis and im too embaressed to tell my parents what the f*** do i do? Somebody help

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  • You must have an awful lot of nocturnal emissions which means your Mother thinks you mastubate whenever she does your laundry and if she told your Father he probably thinks it’s funny but also too embarrassing to talk to you about what he might think as you spanking the monkey or choking the chicken or waging your tail or pumping the hose. The bottom line you’re in a humiliating predicament no matter what. But you can discuss this with a doctor who under the law is prohibited from sharing this information with your parents, but they can also break the news to your parents who will more than likely laugh at your condition in private only because they assumed you jerk off a lot but they will show you they love you and will get you corrective surgery for your ailment because the hardcore truth is they want you to eventually get married to a nice girl and produce some grandchildren for them to celebrate their legacy. So my advice to you is to break the news them first by letting them know you’re not a chronic mastubator, you just have Phimosis….

    Anonymous November 13, 2018 1:13 pm Reply

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