• 6 years ago

I did it I played the f****** hero as i always do i turned her over I won the fight i sacrificed my only love to my best friend gosh what the f*** have i done
My best friend and i had been fighting for her head to toe for some time now and lots of blood had already been shed but now they are both happy together

I am in vain but its all numb now

All Comments

  • Did you willingly fight your “best friend”

    Never fight another person over a woman man. I’ve been there but I never knew what I was fighting, and I wasn’t actually fighting anyone just trying to get this one bitch back (I don’t know why there was nothing really good or special about her we had nothing in common, I didn’t actually like her as a person, she didn’t like me either other than I got many a good blow job from her and she swallowed), but I never sought out anybody else outside of us to fight. People sought out me, I pushed away, I was leaving anyway and they were desperately clinging on to her. Multiple people vs one (me), I eventually said keep the fat slut, she’s all problems anyway and in the end I don’t think anybody won. I walked away but what a stinking dysfunctional pile of shit that whole thing and everybody involved was. Why do you think I was walking in the first place?

    Losers. Everybody. Absolutely losers. If it was my choice, we would never have seen each other or communicated in any way/crossed paths beyond 1998 and we better never again either. That’s the only time we’ll fight, and believe me I kind of want to and not over a woman either.

    Anonymous July 25, 2018 11:59 pm Reply

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