• 6 years ago

My boyfriend plays an online game and has been for about two years. He plays on and off, sometimes until like 5 in the morning. He has no schedule. He has a lot of friends online and plays online with a girl. Let’s call her Jenna. He is sometimes up late at night in a party chat with Jenna, and it hurts me so deeply it’s hard to explain why. She gets the attention from him that I wish so badly I could have. At random times in the night. The whole tribe gets more of his attention than I do. I swear sometimes I think he’d rather just be with all of them I mean who needs me right? Why do they have to chat and do resource runs together? They are BOTH in relationships but hang out late hours in the night. It is worse for him because it’s a 3 hour time difference so for her it doesn’t seem as bad, 12 AM there, 3 AM HERE. Not ideal for me. I just hate her so much. Someone I don’t even know, will never meet, I just want to rip her f****** hair out. Slap the s*** out of her. I want to grab her hair and slam her face into a table. But it’s not just her it is also him that is talking to her and always initiating this. She is so willing to help him on the game. It is killing me. I know I should talk to him but I know he will snap and get defensive. I hope it gets better but it waxes and wanes. I hate myself.

All Comments

  • I understand, but my boyfriend plays all night with his ex (he was with her for 4 years and was his only real girlfriend before me). I’ve told him this makes me uncomfortable, and he just ignores it. You should tell him how you feel. If he really cares, he will consider your feeling and change his behavior. If he doesn’t, he doesn’t respect your feelings at all.

    Anonymous May 24, 2018 6:14 am Reply
    • You’re an idiot. Men aren’t slaves to women. All he’s doing is playing a game with a friend. The OP has a right to be bothered by that because humans are naturally irrationally jealous and clingy, but just because the boyfriend doesn’t change, that doesn’t mean he’s a terrible person who doesn’t respect the OP’s feelings. How do people get as entitled as you, I wonder…

      Anonymous May 24, 2018 6:58 am Reply

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