• 6 years ago

So im 14 and my name is M…… and im depressed. I tried to overdose on codeine one time and failed. My mum found me 15 minutes after when she got home on the kitchen floor with my mouth foaming. I got to the hospital and remember waking up and vomiting. I vomited everyday for 3 weeks because of the medication i was on. The medication was because my muscles turned to mush because of all the adrenaline that was caused by the codeine i took. Do i regret what i did? No. Do i wish it would have worked? Yes. I self harm everytime im sad. Because of my depression being the tiniest bit of sad that you may feel is 50 times worse for me. Like the world is telling me everything is my fault and i should die. My cuts are getting deeper and i cant stop, i just want help but nobody listens. All anybody see’s when they look at me now is that im weak and that i feel sorry for myself. Im going to kill myself tonight…. Call this a suicide note. Call it a confession. Call it what you want. But i love my family and friends. And im sorry. Goodbye

All Comments

  • You should call a suicide help line. I was suicidal when i was younger. I’m 30 now and happier. I dont think abput suicide ever now. I used to wanna kill myself over kids bullying me and my panic attacks and depression. I dont give a shit about any of that stuff that made me miserable back then. I don’t even care if I make anyone miserable or what they think of me. I live alone and do what the hell i want.

    Anonymous May 20, 2018 11:57 pm Reply
  • No no no nooooooo no no, I have severe depression too and0 I even attempted suicide too but failed and now Im 18, I tried to change things and I failed badly but I wanted to become better so those fails were like an experience to me, I lost my dad due to cancer, my mom and I almost got kicked out of the house and I had/have low self-esteem, my mom was so sick and in a nutshell life treated me very badly. I wanted to end it all but failed many times. So I decided to change even if I was pretty sure that a failure like me wont be able to do anything, surprisingly I started changing, I asked for help I realized that life is a chance and living is a gift and now Im 18 and I met some amazing people – I met assholes and many more- but most importantly I wanted to become a better version of me. Please dont end it now, I know it is hard I really do, but please dont end it now, you never know what life is hiding for you, maybe what you are going through now will be a great story to tell in the future, I know you are capable of fighting back, I know that you are strong, change this pain into something amazing, art, books, videos…idk but dont end your life. I KNOW THAT YOU ARE STRONG, YOU ARE AMAZING AND BEAUTIFUL

    Anonymous May 21, 2018 12:24 am Reply
  • You sound so sincere i feel for you I wish I could help you.I’ve felt this pain also. Nitro live still,fighting each day.I know you have no more strength.so let us,those of us that have survived help you find your strength again . I hope to hear from you tomorrow.

    Anonymous May 21, 2018 2:13 am Reply
  • hey there, i know i’m about 8 hours late, but i just want to let you know (as these people above me also have) that there’s places for you to check out and people for you to talk to. i have clinical depression, and i’ve tried to commit a few times before when i was really feeling like nothing mattered. that was before i got to reach out and get help, however cliche that sounds. it’s not perfect, nothing ever is, but the help that i’ve gotten has helped me get to a better place, to where i’m now graduated from high school and going into college. i know you can push through it, but first you’ve gotta reach out. there’s suicide hotlines all over the place, and there’s even textlines if you don’t feel safe talking out loud on the phone. help is out there, and i know you’ve probably heard that a million times by now, but it’s true

    Anonymous May 21, 2018 8:07 am Reply
  • I feel for you. My boyfriend did something very similar. He took pills and his mom found him. He died but the EMS brought him back. That was over 10 years ago. If he would of succeeded he would not be with me now and we would not of meet and fell in love. It will get better. Keep getting and seeking help til you find someone you feel is listening to you. It will be hard but you got to keep fighting. You are not alone.

    Anonymous May 21, 2018 7:03 pm Reply

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