• 7 years ago

My falls under guilt, pain, and truth. My husband is depressed and has these rage outbursts. He’s not physically abusive, but he is mentally and emotionally abusive. He told our 5 year old to be a good girl because when she’s not it causes problems between he and me. Wtf?! Our problems and how we deal with them are on US. Not on a 5 year old! But I am WEAK so when he said that I sat there silently. When he was outside later I told her he was wrong to say that to her. We have crushing debt, but I can’t talk to him about money. The washer broke a few weeks ago. When I told him, one of the first things he said about it was, “I wish you hadn’t told me.” I have 2 medical bills in collections and he has no idea, nor would he want to. We had an argument today and I publicly (out in the yard) called him out on a wrong. He says now that he won’t forgive me for yelling it out. He holds grudges for long periods. Years. He didn’t speak to his parents for many years. I HATE that the kids are seeing this completely unhealthy home life and having to deal with it. His depression comes from the fact that he’s 44 and not where he wants to be in life. He hates the city we live in, but my mom and sister live here and they do more for us than anyone ever could. He feels trapped here because we need them, and I need my job. He loves us, but he lashes out at us. Is this what therapy or counseling is for? He won’t go, so it doesn’t matter. There’s just so much I want to say to him. But everything I say makes the situation worse.

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