• 5 years ago

So I went to a Mac Dermarco concert with my boyfriend. At first I was going a lone bc none of my friends wanted to go, then my boyfriend decided to come with me bc he didn’t wanted me to be alone in a concert. I have never been alone in a concert however I been to many before so it’s not like I can’t take care of myself. But I thought, hey maybe he wants to listen the type of music am in. Which I was wrong bc he keep complaining the whole night. I wanted to get closer to the stage but I couldn’t bc he wanted to go upstairs to sit. I was gonna let him do that by himself but he didn’t wanted to separate and he claimed that it was hard to breathe and his back was hurting. Then he got hungry but didn’t wanted to pay for food but somehow he wanted to whine about being hungry. I caved in and bought him $12 nachos so I could enjoy the rest of the concert. Idk he doesn’t have to like everything I like but I was looking forward for this concert for months just to have it ruined. I wish I went alone. I told my boyfriend about how unhappy his attitude made me and he was very apologetic about it. However this is not the fist time he does this s***. Idk what to do, I want to be with him bc he is caring and funny when he wants to be but he is also very insecture and can’t really make a decision. Idk anymore.

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