• 5 years ago

I used to post things I meant to “fight the racism”

Things like “the only race is the human race” or “racism is only racism if you intend to hurt the one your offending”

It never worked

Honestly it feels much better to be the racist

“All blacks are criminals”

I don’t agree with that but I post it

I post it because the people in the comments are hilarious

Know that the racism here is fake

And join the white supremacists
(Says the Asian girl hehehe)

All Comments

  • Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi produced the now famous Kalergi plan. Read about it, use Google.

    The plan is endorsed by many Jewish leaders. It calls for the destruction of the white race because they are the only ones intelligent enough to overthrow Jewish domination. The Kalergi Plan suggests turning the world races to all “brown” by interbreeding the whites and Asians with the blacks.

    So why a “brown” world? Because Kalergi and his many supporters concluded that the IQ or intelligence level of blacks is very low. Far too low to challenge Jewish control. Breeding the whites out of existence will eliminate their high intelligence which is a threat to the Jews.

    Mixing the whites and Asians with the blacks will not raise the intelligence level of the blacks or the resulting “brown” offspring by enough to make any difference.

    Look up Noel Ignatiev. His picture is at wikipedia**** and he is as WHITE as a snowflake. Yet he says, “[t]he goal of abolishing the white race is on its face so desirable that some may find it hard to believe that it could incur any opposition other than from committed white supremacists”. But JEWS don’t consider themselves as WHITE because that is a step down, and black is three steps down. Noel Ignatiev is a JEW. He supports the Jewish Kalergi plan.

    The plan is to get rid of whites and Asians because they have a high IQ which is a threat to Jewish control. Kalergi determined that blacks have a LOW IQ, which makes it easy for Jews to manipulate and deceive them. So the plan calls for blending the white race and black race together to make all the world “brown”, except for JEWS. The brown race will have a lower IQ than the whites, and will be easily controlled. the JEWS who ONLY marry one another to keep their race pure, will have world control over the dumb ‘brown’ people.

    Anonymous December 29, 2018 6:38 am Reply

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