• 5 years ago

Before I state my story, I just want to say that we were both in the wrong. I had a reason for my mean additive towards this person, they deserved it. During the third grade their was this girl who seemed nice. I decided to try to friend her, but as I got closer to her she became manipulative and started making me feel bad for hanging out with others and not inviting her to my house. In the middle of the year, our teacher moved us to the same table. I would come to school some days to find my desk ransacked, missing eraser (those really expensive scented ones) and NOTEBOOKS would disappear from my desk into hers. I told the teacher, but she said without proof she cannot punish her. Apparently the teacher ended up contacting her parents to inform that their daughter is stealing things from classmates…. two days later the girl tells me to stop bullying her and that she was in deep trouble with her parents. It made me feel guilty for reporting her behavior that cost me $45. After that year, I made more fun and nice friends. My relationship with her started to mend and she slowly joined my friend group. It was the same deal again, manipulating us to feel bad for having fun without her. One day one of my other friends wanted to tell me about something secret (her parents were getting a divorce and she wanted some support but no rumors). The girl finds us and tries to bulge in the conversation, I was a little annoyed so I told her that it was a personal conversation that I do not feel comfortable sharing with her. She then leaves crying and tells the rest of my friend group that I had said I do not want them as my friends and that that I was gossiping about them. I was taken out of my friend group, but then I thought I could tell one of them the true situation and they would understand. I told the Gossip Girl so that news would travel faster… my mistake was that it came off as her being a villain rather than me clarifying a situation. She ended up being kicked out of my friend group and every single kid in my grade ignored her and gossiped behind her back. Now I still see the effects, she has no friends, no one will give her their phone number, she is gossiped about a lot, and she is getting in trouble a lot for minor things. During a field trip the teacher said you can list one person you do not want in you cabin and everyone wrote her. They had to retract that promise to allow that girl to at least sleep with some kids that she knows. She is still a jerk, but that does not justify the way she is treated. I feel guilty about how I handed that situation years ago, it had long term reprecussions.

All Comments

  • Thers some shit in life that you just gotta live with.

    Anonymous December 3, 2018 4:15 am Reply

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