• 1 year ago

I want to be able to be s******* obsessed with a man and it be okay. granted.. i have a lot of depth. i don’t have empty s**. ever. flings hookups etc. i’m too passionate though. and too s***** by nature. in my mind. and i link s** with feeling of love. need. connection. safety. it’s weird. my hunger is high. i don’t act on it. if i’m with someone ….. i want more contact. but end up in relationships with men that are clueless seeming. but their natural instinct to touch a lot. i’m deprived. 3.5 years. but i do it to myself. waiting for what probably doesn’t exist. slowly dying inside. dying for something someone to bring me back to life. surround me. trap me. i feel so much. so much. let it come out. release me!

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