• 2 years ago

some days I dream about Jujutsu kaisen season 2 coming out, then I wake up and realize I still have a year to go before it even comes close. Some Days I ask god why…why make me wait 2 and a half years for another season of one of the most peak fiction shows to come out. I’m not watching f****** one piece, you can’t make me. One piece is so f****** trash its unreal, it’s literally a cartoon. The actual story line is so thinned out its un f****** watchable, I want to watch a progressive story with little to no filers, not something like one piece where each ark is the same s*** only 300 episodes long and Nami’s b**** get way huger as it goes on. By the time they find the f****** one piece (the year 3025) Nami’s t*** are gonna be so big she wont even be visible. And Luffy doesn’t even get no f****** play dude, how are you gonna expect me to watch a 1000000 long episode show with no love interest?? Luffy is legitemately never even thought of a girl the whole f****** show! Bro has never hit puberty! never gotten an accidental b**** even once?!?! Nami’s & Robin & that other b**** are chillin with the shiniest double G’s anyone has ever seen and bro is talm bout some “gum gum rocket fist!!!” I’m not f****** watching one piece. I already read AOT, the new season of MHA is so f****** mid. I head the creator of MHA is going for the goal of “Surpassing one piece” which means we’re about to not see any canon for the next 6 seasons. hip hip f****** hurray….I can’t re-watch Hxh again, even though its literally the finest fiction to ever grace the human eye balls. Theres just no good shows on right now, i’ll I can do is re-watch badass scenes of Jujutsu kaisen and f****** cry myself to sleep. How far has modern technology gone on cyrostasis?! like where you can sub-consiously sleep for years like in space movies. get me on that s*** ASAP.

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