• 2 years ago

Washington Post Calls Canadian Truckers Racists, Says Freedom Is ‘White Supremacist’.

Trudeau is desperate to justify beating and shooting of truckers. So now the Freedom Truckers are “White Supremacists”. That INCLUDES the BLACK truckers who have been demanding freedom.

Apparently those BLACK truckers just do not understand that “Freedom” is a White concept. A White Supremacist” concept. Well Toby, better get on back to the plantation where there is no freedom and only the Master (massa).

So I guess White people must like to be free (and Blacks just want to be slaves). Isn’t that RAY – CIST? In the case of Canada, Justin Castro Trudeau is the massa. Say, isn’t Trudeau a WHITE guy?

Those who advocate for their rights, who refuse the tyranny of restrictions and mandates that have been imposed by federal and provincial leaders, and who demand the freedom that is rightfully their own are …….White Supremacists! LOL!

ht tps://thepostmillennial.c om/washington-post-calls-canadian-truckers-racists-says-freedom-is-white-supremacist

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