• 2 years ago

Few know the facts about Hitler.

The chutzpah of dozens of claims about how Russia is going to stage a false flag smeared across all the MSM headlines for weeks on end is astounding. They mirror the Gleiwitz “incident” of 1939, except then it was ex post facto, and these current claims of Russia preparing a false flag in order to invade Ukraine are pre de facto.

Everything about Gleiwitz stinks of typical Hebrew lies and projection, but likely the foulest lie of all is the “affidavit” from one officer was used as proof of aggressive war ‘intentions’ by the ENTIRE country of Germany that was used as justification for the murder of dozens of German officers at Nuremberg and MILLIONS of Germans during the implementation of the Morgentau plan.

The Gleiwitz incident is one of histories most damaging single Yid lies. Hitler merely responded to many provocations and to what had been done to Germany.

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