• 2 years ago

HAL TURNER – it’s ODD that no one else is reporting an invasion.

The US news offers only the typical one-sided propaganda. CBS says, Russia moved SOME long-range artillery and rocket launchers into firing position, “threatening” Ukraine”, according to an UNNAMED U.S. official. (No mention that Ukraine has been pointing more and more missiles at Russia starting back in 2014.)

CBS adds, SOME Russian units have left their assembly area and are beginning to move into “attack positions,” according to the UNNAMED official.

So Putin is a bad, bad person because he is threatening poor little helpless Ukraine.
Don’t worry, CBS has a pic of Old Ladies carrying a banner (oddly written in English) saying, “We Will Defend Ukraine”. So five old women will protect Ukraine despite all the British and American troops leaving, and all the wealthy Ukrainian oligarchs fleeing the country.

Yes the rich can leave, but not anyone else. It is reported that Ukraine’s Comedian President Volodymyr Zelensky has been “taken to a place of safety”. So he ran away too.

All Ukraine need do is simply agree to remove the missiles pointed at Russia. It’s that simple.

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