• 2 years ago

Woke Salvation Army Asks Donors To Offer ‘Sincere Apology’ For Whiteness! Yes you are supposed to apologize for being White. Can you imagined demanding that Blacks apologize for being BLACK?

Time to stop giving to the Salvation Army. They are totally RACIST and totally WOKE (communists). They should have stayed with religion and stayed out of politics. No one knows for sure what happened 300 years ago because no one was there. No one alive today is responsible for anything that happened hundreds of years before they were even born.

Let the Communist go to Cuba, North Korea or China and see how many apologies they get there!

ht tps://w ww.breitbart.co m/politics/2021/11/26/woke-salvation-army-asks-donors-to-offer-sincere-apology-for-whiteness-christians-must-evaluate-racist-attitudes/

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