• 3 years ago

Vladimir Putin is behind it all. Russian disinformation is lurking everywhere. It’s worse than even Adam Schiff told us it was.

Just last weekend thousand of Southwest airlines flights failed to leave the ground. It seems obvious that the mass cancellations are a direct reaction to Joe Biden’s Vaccine Mandates. Southwest pilots confirmed this.

But NO! That’s only what the Kremlin wants you to think. AS authorities assured us all along, it was only the weather, nothing more than a few clouds. Calm down America!

The Southwest Airlines story is as FAKE as Hunter Biden’s laptop. Don’t let the Russians lie to you. People LOVE the Vaccine Kill Shot mandates. Even the tens of thousand who have been fired because of them. Even the millions who have died and the millions more who are injured from the fake vaccine. Do you see how that sneaky Putin blames everything on poor Joe Biden!

Here, let Tucker Carlson explain it to you:
ht tps://ww w.youtube.co m/watch?v=MX2FOHrreDU

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