• 3 years ago

Mockers of Anti-Vaxxers Continue to Die After Taking a COVID-19 Injection.

Kim Jarvis, a 57-year-old West Virginia Woman died after a strange turn of events. She mockingly declared that she was vaccinated but didn’t know what was in the vaccine. She said she doesn’t know what’s in a Big Mac or hot dogs, but she eats them anyway. She listed other things that she doesn’t know or care about but uses anyway. She was DEAD less than 24 hours later.

Kim Jarvis and her daughter were both strong supporters of the Covid vaccines and had made many jabs at the non-vaccinated online. Yet it appears the injections, which Jarvis stated she knew nothing about, would cut her life drastically short.

Another case:
Karen Croake Heisler: 67-year-old former Notre Dame professor says “damn the unvaccinated,” dead 12 days after third Pfizer mRNA injection.

Mrs. Heisler was a passionate, h******* supporter of anything related to masks and COVID-19 mandates. She also displayed consistent animosity towards those who refuse to receive mRNA and viral vector DNA injections. She called non-vaxxed people “selfish” and ordered them to stay home “until you come to your senses.”

Mrs. Heisler received a third Pfizer mRNA injection and her health deteriorated very quickly thereafter. She went to see a cardiologist after suddenly suffering heart problems which is a common reaction to the “vaxx”.

She complained that the hospital was packed with Covid cases never realizing that it was the fully vaxxed people like her causing the problem. Mrs. Heisler died a few days later from “cancer-related complications”.

Those of you who think may be asking, why did she get three injections of the vaccine if she already had advanced cancer? Why did see a cardiologist if she had cancer? Is the reason on her death certificate a cover-up?

LINK: ht tps://healthimpactnews.c om/2021/mockers-of-anti-vaxxers-continue-to-die-after-taking-a-covid-19-injection/

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