• 3 years ago

Hey yo, I have a dream but Dr. King wouldn’t be proud of me
I wanna enslave the whole planet and make ‘em bow to me
F*** your skin color, ethnicity, nationality
Gender, age, race, s***** preference or locality
I’m tryin to get my third Reich on, but not with just the Jews
Slave labor for everybody I don’t pick and choose
B**** I’m trying to kick my shoes up
While two huge b*** sluts feed me plates of grapes on a balcony
But that ain’t, likely to be happening any time soon
So your a** will have to do while my plan gets fine tuned
You wake in a giant electrified barbed wire lined room
With a witch beatin your a** with a flying broom
And then I start to kick and stomp you
And electrocute you by electrocuting myself while I’m p****** on you

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