• 3 years ago

i want to run away

somewhere safe

somewhere warm

somewhere i don’t feel overwhelmed all the time

somewhere i can rest

somewhere that doesn’t tear me apart, piece by piece

somewhere i can smile and laugh freely without fearing that i will be bombarded by my problems and responsibilities

where the weight on my shoulders don’t feel so heavy

somewhere i can close my eyes for a bit

somewhere i can breathe for a bit

somewhere i can be at peace

i feel like, reaching that certain point is possible in this world

but not for people like me

people like me are like worms

we are nothing but prey to the birds

i cannot ask for help, because even if i cry, no one will come

no one will reach their hand and tell me to hold on to them

no one who will help me up when i fall

at least not in a literal sense, i have friends, but they’re thousands of kilometers away, and, slowly, whether i like it or not, (and i definitely don’t like it) we are drifting apart

it can’t be helped, i’ve prepared myself for situations like this as a kid fresh from childhood, at least, emotionally.

because i knew, that people don’t stay, that at some point in your lives you will reach a diverging path, and despite you hoping so hard that you will still continue your journey together, you will have to part with them, for they are destined for something else, and so are you, so you don’t have a choice but to bid them goodbye.

but that doesn’t mean i can ignore the dread, that doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt

it still hurts, a lot

it feels like someone is reaching inside your mouth, to your chest, and grabbing your heart, squeezing it so hard that it might burst, and it burns, it burns and it hurts, but you can’t cry out, you can’t cry, you can’t tell it to stop hurting, you’re forced to bear the pain as you suffocate

is this what living is? is this all to it?

i don’t want it,

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