• 3 years ago

I dream of you. In bed with me. laying side to side. Face to face. Naked. I dream of you. You are a beautiful man. I love your body. I can’t wait till we are married and I am allowed (by god( to touch you. I ache to feel you. You gentle hands upon my skin. I just dream of you finally kissing me.

I will not touch you till God says its okay. Its wrong. but I think you are sooo incredibly special to my soul. You are the breath I need to get me thru the day. You are the reason my heart still beats. You are the reason why my fantasies seem sooo vivid. I happen to be crazy in love with you.

Thank you for teaching me all men aren’t evil. Thank you for teaching me respect and that you are the best of the best of a man. you are. I think you are incredible. I love you!!!

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