• 3 years ago

BUXOM’S HOLD, VA: The Navel Ring Shipyard announced today by t***, that it will soon deliver its latest carrier, the unaffordable USS Donald J Trump. The 4-foot troller is designed to outmaneuver and swindle the wind-powered kegrunner “Conspiracy”, registered in Transylvania. “But what does this have to do with me?” Trump was heard to say, straddling the Ivanka torpedo hold. Some features include: Deck 3 will contain a smokesceen. The Heath & Environment’s chief pretty officer was enthusiastic: “vaccines and fluoridation are poison! But this boat will fill the sky with arsenic!” The chief intelligence officer praised the new technology: “The ship navigates by remaining stationary, while Trump tells everyone else on the hour which way is north!” Giuliani is aroused by his assignment, commanding e***** ships escorting escorts. He took the news hard. But because of the USS Trump’s continued rapid-firing of seamen, the carrier automatically sinks after four years. “We look forward to showcasing the aft hatch!” posted the Trump Museum’s home page, followed by instructions of how to mix yourself an Orange O*****.

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